Art Bomb

Music and lyric by Briyan Frederick
Published by Blind Mime Music, ASCAP
© Brian F Baker – all rights reserved.

Available on A Glitch In the Riddle on GAJOOB Records & Tapes.

Arranged and mastered for digital release by Briyan Frederick
Instruments and vocals by Sunoai
Engineered and mixed with Sunoai

This was originally written and recorded as a songfight entry around 2005. It didn’t get past demo form and wasn’t submitted.

I played around with it on acoustic guitar for over a decade until Mitch Stevens came over to record and I pulled it out after we recorded a jam and were looking for something.

I believe at one point, I had added the bridge well prior to this session. We played the song through on guitars several times. Mitch played rhythm guitar and I fleshed this one out over the next day or so. This version appears on my album Neon Youth Symphonies.

Let's drop an art bomb
On this whole wide world
Let's drop an art bomb
On this crazy, crazy old world

We'll fill it with color
We'll fill it with songs
Stop painting by numbers
Of people now gone

Let's drop an art bomb
On this whole wide world
Let's drop an art bomb
On this crazy, crazy old world

We'll fly over London
Watch Russia go boom
Mexico's gonna love it
And America too -- yeah!

Let's drop an art bomb
On this whole wide world
Let's drop an art bomb
On this crazy, crazy old world

We're blowing up the Internet
A million views on Youtube get
Your mom is gonna be proud
'Cos all the talking heads will say
There was no war on earth today
While art bombs cover your town

Let's drop an art bomb
On this whole wide world
Let's drop an art bomb
On this crazy, crazy old world

Let's drop an art bomb
On this whole wide world
Let's drop an art bomb
On this crazy, crazy old world


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Blind Mime Ensemble is a project by Briyan Frederick powered by 40+ years of music and lyrics, old and new, seeded into AI models mainly in a glitchy electronic pop kind of vein with liberal experimentation and venturing outside the lines. You’ll hear elements of old bedroom 4-track songs, tapegerms and unearthed confessions mixed in, along with lots of brand new stuff.

Blind Mime Ensemble is also a virtual group fronted by two blind mime artists and lovers, developing a digital theatre of the absurd bound by a sublime vision of truth. The troupe is gearing up for its new concept tour under development.

Briyan is creating lyric videos for each recording. Subscribe by clicking the button below.

Blind Mime Ensemble VS is a secondary project where BME creates albums from audio seeded from other artists, Tapegerms, videos, found recordings and more. It’s more experimental glitchy electronic and explores the boundaries of modern composition with AI and other methods.

Blind Mime Ensemble Variations  is where we explore variations of found sounds, art and maybe other things. These explorations result in album-length pieces. Send us something for us to into something new.

You can find Briyan Frederick‘s home and studio recordings at

AI Soundoff is Briyan’s blog, vlog and podcast about AI Music creativity and industry.

Read the Blog

View the Vlog

Listen to the Podcast