Category: Songs

  • I Did It On Impulse

    I Did It On Impulse

    Words and music by Briyan Frederick© Brian F Baker, published by Blind Mime Music, ASCAP No, I can’t explainI cannot tryTo run awayBut sometimes IGet the urgeTo maybePut it inAnd shout it outBut usually I don’t OkI went too farI jumped the grooveI wrecked the carBut sometimes don’t youGet the urgeTo maybeTurn it onAnd jerk…

  • A Little Bit of This and That

    A Little Bit of This and That

    Lyric by Briyan Frederick, 2024Music by Briyan Frederick, seeded with audio from Greige Travail’s Mr. A Only Has A cassette (1989), used by permission. See GAJOOB Zine’s Greige Travail project on Tapegerm for more audio bits from the album. Briyan Frederick: sampling, vocals, synthesizers, acoustic guitar, percussionAdditional instrumentation, vocals and mix with Sunoai Published by…

  • Art Bomb

    Art Bomb

    Music and lyric by Briyan FrederickPublished by Blind Mime Music, ASCAP© Brian F Baker – all rights reserved. Available on A Glitch In the Riddle on GAJOOB Records & Tapes. Arranged and mastered for digital release by Briyan FrederickInstruments and vocals by SunoaiEngineered and mixed with Sunoai This was originally written and recorded as a…

  • From Heaven

    From Heaven

    Music and lyric by Briyan Frederick Published by Blind Mime Music, ASCAP© Brian F Baker, all rights reserved Briyan Frederick: vocals, guitars, bass, percussionSunoai: vocals, synthesizers Seeded with audio from Briyan Frederick’s “One Way To Heaven” (original 4-track recording, 1985) Arranged, Engineered and mixed with Sunoai by Briyan Frederick Starling footage by Cody Logan, CC…

  • There’s a Mystery In Your Hearsay

    There’s a Mystery In Your Hearsay

    by Blind Mime Ensemble VS Inspired by the recordings of Mike Honeycutt (Mystery Hearsay) Lyric and music by Briyan Frederick Briyan Frederick: sampling, synthesizer, percussion, vocalsSunoai: Additional instruments and vocals Mixed and Engineered by Sunoai Mastered for digital by Briyan Frederick Mike Honeycutt was a pioneering figure in the DIY cassette culture and an influential…